Feel the Fear

Are you familiar with the old saying, “Feel the fear and do it anyway”?  Research supports the idea that we can turn fears into positive ways to move ourselves forward.  In fact, fear can be a boost to creative processes, particularly writing.

I can vouch for the fact that I turn some of my greatest concerns into scenes in my books.  That goes for the fears of my friends too!  As with any ‘negative’ experience, we can choose to learn from it rather than letting it victimize us.

I ran across the following great lecture on TED on this topic.  It’s short – eleven and a half minutes – and the points made are pertinent to any creative process.


So feel the fear – and do it anyway!

BTW, if you aren’t familiar with TED (www.TED.com), it’s a free service that provides lectures on a wide variety of fascinating topics by experts (and the rest of us) around the world.  You can register for particular areas of interest or subscribe to specific playlists.  It’s well worth the time!

Have a wonderful winter weekend!


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