Sistas of the Heart

I’ve recently been lucky enough to spend time with various sistas of my tribes.  Yes, it’s spelled that way for a reason.  A sister is your official blood relative.  A SISTA is one you’ve chosen to become part of your family.

What makes them special to me?  Their caring, supportive and fun natures.  Their contributions to others.  What they contribute to me, without expectations of returned favors.  Giving, caring, honest and open women who have changed me for the better.  I hope I give at least as much to them as they give to me.

We all probably have people we are closer to than those who share our DNA.  It could be proximity, personality, or family history that make us more distant from relatives than friends.  And the reason doesn’t matter.  What matters is that there are people in our lives who provide the network buoying us up when tsunami waves want to sink our ship.

I’ve known many of these women for decades, maybe across lifetimes and through previous lives.  Some I’ve only known for a handful of years.  Some I met professionally and we’ve stayed close as our work lives wandered in different directions.  Others I met as friends of friends and they became my close friend too.  The tribes they belong to in my life – writing, gardening, hobbies, just plain being – aren’t consistent either.  When I mix the tribes together, the fun multiplies!

How lucky am I?  I consider myself VERY lucky!!!

So here’s to my SISTAS – and I hope you know who you are.  Thank you for adding so much color, humor, and richness to my life!  Words will never adequately express the wonders you bring me by being the special women you are!

Who are your special people?  How have they added to your life?  Remember to thank a SISTA today!

About The Author

Yvonne Kohano

Award winner and storycatcher Yvonne Kohano writes contemporary romantic suspense in her Flynn's Crossing series. She is also working on a psychological thriller trilogy, and producing nonfiction books with tips for creative types. In addition to running an indie press, Yvonne loves to cook (dedicated foodie), garden (plantaholic), travel (anywhere), and read and learn (anything). She, her husband and their dogs love their home in the Pacific Northwest. Follow her at and on Facebook and Twitter to learn what tickles her about being a writer.

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